Colostrum is the precursor to milk in a lactating cow, and is the first thing she excretes after giving birth. It is rich in protein, fats and carbohydrates as well as vital maternal antibodies....
Barefoot VS Shod Horses
Posted By Dr Indiana Conway,
14/11/2023 00:00 AM
A very controversial topic between horse people is shoeing your horse versus allowing your horse to be barefoot. Some people firmly believe that horses should never have shoes whilst others believe...
The Importance of slowly changing your Horse's Feed
Posted By Dr Indiana Conway,
07/11/2023 00:00 AM
Often as owners we want to provide variety in our horse’s diet so they don’t get “bored”. However the reality is, if your horse is performing well, in good body condition and eating there is no need...
Calving Issues
Posted By Dr Indiana Conway,
31/10/2023 00:00 AM
During calving season it is a good idea to monitor cows and heifers regularly for signs of labour, calving issues and sick calves. Cattle go through 3 stages of labour – the first is generally isolati...
Safe Horse Handling
Posted By Dr Angela Sutherland,
23/10/2023 00:00 AM
A trained veterinary nurse or technician should hold your horse for the veterinarian. Although sometimes this is unachievable due to emergencies or staff shortages etc. The veterinarian has to trust...
Placentitis in Pregnant Mares
Posted By Dr Angela Sutherland,
16/10/2023 00:00 AM
Placentitis is a medical term used to describe an infection of the foetal membranes. It is a very common cause of abortion at any stage of pregnancy in mares. The most common causes of Placentitis...
Colic: A Guide for Owners While Waiting for the Vet
Posted By Dr Indiana Conway BVSc (Hons),
09/10/2023 00:00 AM
Colic is one of the most stressful conditions a horse can get and often occurs after hours, or when a vet is not available straight away. This is a guide for owners during this waiting period, and...
Bull Selection
Posted By Dr Indy Conway,
02/10/2023 00:00 AM
Bull selection is a key part of improving herd production and minimizing costs. The more efficient the bulls in the herd, the faster cows and heifers become pregnant, the tighter the calving window...